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正文翻譯 原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:無熊貓氏 轉載請註明出處 Kenya''s rare white giraffes killed by poachers 肯亞的稀有白色長頸鹿被偷獵者獵殺 ... Kenya''s only female white giraffe and her calf have been killed by poachers, conservationists said Tuesday, in a major blow for the rare animals found nowhere else in the world. 環保人士周二宣稱,肯亞僅有的雌性白色長頸鹿和它的幼崽被偷獵者獵殺,對這種世界其他地方都絕無僅有的珍稀動物是個巨大的打擊。 The bodies of the two giraffes were found "in a skeletal state after being killed by armed poachers" in Garissa in eastern Kenya, the Ishaqbini Hirola Community Conservancy said in a statement. 希羅拉保護區的團隊在一份聲明中說道,這兩隻長頸鹿的屍體在肯亞東部的加利薩被發現的時候只剩下了骨架,它們是被武裝偷獵者殺害的。 Their deaths leave just one remaining white giraffe alive - a lone male, borne by the same slaughtered female, the conservancy said. 保護團隊說現在只剩一隻白色長頸鹿存活了,一隻孤獨的雄性長頸鹿,它正是被屠殺的這隻雌性白色長頸鹿所生。 "We are the only community in the world who are custodians of the white giraffe," said Mohammed Ahmednoor, the manager of the conservancy. 該保護團隊的管理者,穆罕默德·艾哈邁德努爾說:「我們是世界上唯一一個白色長頸鹿管理保護區」。 ... (譯註:白化癥不產生黑色素,患病的動物多為白色或者淡黃色,眼睛在有血管顯露的時候多呈現紅色。白化產生黑色素,但是在皮膚,毛髮,羽毛等地方會出現一些色素沉著的功能喪失,但是眼睛不受影響。所以如果眼睛是黑色的,哪怕全身白也不是白化癥) Mr Ahmednoor said their deaths, confirmed by rangers and community members, was a "sad day" and a major loss for researchers and tourism providers working in the remote corner of Kenya. 它們的死亡已經被護林員和保護區的員工證實了,艾哈邁德先生說這是個「悲傷的日子」,而且對那些工作在肯亞偏遠地方的研究人員和旅遊業者是個巨大的損失。 評論翻譯 原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:無熊貓氏 轉載請註明出處 Cindyh I don''t love zoos, but it''s probably the only way to keep the remaining white giraffe safe. 我不喜歡動物園,但是可能這是保護倖存的白色長頸鹿安全的唯一方法。 Dragonite Paladin Poachers should meet the same end they give to the Animals. 偷獵者應該遭遇他們給予動物們相同的結局。 Not socialist communist liberal Those thumbs down are from poachers. 這些點踩的都是偷獵者吧。 ... Libby When this story (rare giraffes) was published in 2017, you just knew this was going to happen. Why in the world were they not protected? Also, why can''t more be done to stop the illegal trade? 當這個故事(珍稀長頸鹿)2017年公布的時候,你就知道這種事將會發生的。為什麼它們在這個世界得不到保護?另外,為什麼不能做更多事情來阻止這些非法交易。 Jeff The giraffes weren''t protected because the Government can''t be everywhere all the time, in spite of what they promise. Same with illegal trade. Until you kill the market for this stuff, someone will try to fill the orders. 長頸鹿沒有被保護好是因為不管政府是怎麼承諾的,但是他們不可能隨時隨地的守著它。同樣的道理,非法貿易也是這樣。在你你把這個市場都端掉之前,總是會有人填補進來。 Theatretechca When you live at the poverty level of the third world the income gained by poaching can seem like a fortune. As much as efforts are being made to protect animals, desperate people will find ways. 當你生活在第三世界的貧困線上時,偷獵帶來的收入看上去就像是一筆財富。儘管各種努力被用來保護動物,但是絕望的人民總會找到辦法。 Pura The sole remaining survivor should be moved to a zoo like San Diego, CA. or the zoo in Georgia, or the Bronx zoo in NY, where a breeding program can be started to save and protect the unique species. These zoos have an outstanding staff with experience for these unique animals. 唯一倖存的白色長頸鹿應該轉移到比如說加州的聖地亞哥動物園,或者喬治亞的動物園,或者紐約的布朗克斯動物園,在這些地方的育種計劃可以啟動用來拯救和保護這種獨一無二的物種。這些動物園有一些有經驗的傑出人員,在處理這些物種方面。 Lance I remember reading a story last year of a group of poachers who inadvertently stumbled upon a pride of lions at night while out poaching. What was left of their bodies, rifles and clothing was found soon after by game wardens. That story made my day. 我記得去年讀到過一個故事,關於一幫偷獵者夜晚外出偷獵的時候偶然發現了一群獅子。不久之後,狩獵看守們發現了他們的屍體,步槍和衣服。那故事讓我很開心。 Jimbo Ill never understand why people want to hunt rare animals. Why would make an effort to kill something that is almost extinct? 我永遠想不明白為什麼人們要捕獵這些珍稀動物。為什麼要努力去殺死某種快要絕跡的動物? Lisa How were they not protected?! If they are that rare they should』ve been guarded!! So sad! 它們怎麼沒被保護好? 如果它們是珍稀動物,它們本應該被保護好的!! 太難過了! Dave Why can''t we make it open game day on poachers? It would work well. 我們為什麼不能對偷獵者搞個開放比賽日呢? 這肯定會有效的。(譯註:指獵捕偷獵者) Liberals are evil In some African countries, they do shoot poachers. 在某些非洲國家,他們真的會射殺偷獵者。 ... Smee Considering some of the latest goings on in Kenya, I doubt those guys are capable of preserving anything of value. 考慮到最近發生在肯亞的一些事情,我懷疑這些傢伙是否有能力保護任何有價值的東西。 Susan May karma come quickly to the killers of the beautiful mom and calf! 祈願這些殺害美麗的長頸鹿母子的兇手得到報應! Ricky So what did the poachers take from the bodies? 所以偷獵者從屍體上能得到什麼? Doan It''s in the secret Chinese ingredient for impotence: white giraffe skin. 這是治療陽痿的秘方:白色長頸鹿皮。 Oliver Their tails and their hides. Plus their genitals to sell to a certain market. 它們的尾巴和獸皮,還有它們的生殖器可以賣到某個市場。 ... William Ah AFRICA...60,000 years and nothing has really changed 非洲...6萬多年來沒有什麼真正的變化。 Mx3 Was it Don Jr and Eric? They are the type of people who would do that. 是不是小唐和埃里克乾的? 他們正好是會幹這種事情的那類人。(譯註:川普的倆個兒子,喜歡打獵)











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